23.02.2021 • 

YOUR IDEA ON THESE THINGS IN GENERAL ALSO HAVE A NICE AFTERNOON also just plain Nonfiction mostly about space and probability of non earth organisms that have made advancements past or prior or us as a human race for example using by simply learning how to cook or if they obtain nutrients a different way they simply sophisticate the way they obtain it for example humans used to hunt for meats now we domesticate livestock. along with other things like the theory of the Dyson sphere/ring that encircle stars or black holes and consume there raw energy. Along with the question of what is the "multiverse" or a universe that is or isn't like ours with minor or major differences whether it be in evolution or in some cases it could be a single change for example if you look at the area around you and find one object. Thing about what that object is made of and how long it took to make. You either did or you didn't do what I wrote, If you did then there is a universe when you simply didn't or if you didn't then there is a universe where you did. I'm done with rambling Thx if you read this far and if you do have something like this you like reply with whatever it is I love reading other people's opinions on maters like this. LOL I've been writing for 30 min and didn't even notice time sure does fly. Be safe and stay optimistic even if it hard sometime.

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