02.11.2020 • 
Social Studies

1. Specifically address at least three dreams in your paper. For each dream, include themes, events, and emotions experienced. Include a possible
interpretation of the dream based on the dream interpretation websites
provided. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the interpretation and
why. 2. Describe how the dream themes are different or consistent. For example, do you
experience similar emotions or behaviors across dreams, or are they different? Do
some of the dreams have similar themes? Do your dreams appear to relate to your
daily experiences, or are they irrational and incoherent?
3. Based on the content of your dreams, determine which theory from the
the lesson appears most accurate in representing the purpose of your dreams.
Based on the events and emotions occurring in your dreams, does
Sigmund Freud’s claim or Rosalind Cartwright’s claim for the purpose of
Do dreams make the most sense?

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