19.11.2020 • 
Social Studies

(100 POINTS + BRAINLIST) FULL TEST (PLEASE give ONLY answer choices): 1) What factors contributed to a lack of sea trade in North Carolina? Check all that apply.

The state was located too far south for profitable trade with Europe.
The geography of the state made it susceptible to hurricanes.
The Outer Banks created a natural barrier.
There was only one deepwater port.
The short coastline limited the number of seaports.

2) What is an example of unequal development in North Carolina after American independence?

Raleigh was named the state capital and grew quickly as a center for banking and investing.
Western towns became major trading centers between coastal ports and mountain passes.
The coastal plain region was wealthier than the west and had better access to roads and education.
Wake County experienced a population surge as people moved in to take advantage of free farmland.

3)How did the state legislature respond to Archibald Murphey’s plans for education and infrastructure?

They made changes based on all of Murphey’s plans.
They made only the changes that were related to infrastructure.
They rejected changes to infrastructure but approved changes to education.
They rejected all of his plans because they could not afford the improvements.

4)Read the excerpt from an 1845 Greensboro newspaper article.

On last Tuesday morning nineteen carts, with about one hundred persons, passed this place, from Wake County, on their way to the West.

What is this excerpt describing?

mass migration out of North Carolina
mass migration into North Carolina
the improvement of infrastructure in western North Carolina
the improvement of infrastructure in eastern North Carolina

5)How did North Carolina make advancements in education just after the American Revolution?

Lawmakers invested in education by creating a system of free public schools.
The General Assembly founded the University of North Carolina.
Laws were passed to set aside taxes to pay teachers’ salaries.
A statewide farmer education program was created.

6)Which best describes subsistence farming?

It is a method of commercial farming that requires large farm sizes and heavy equipment.
It is the practice of growing just enough food for a family to survive, without any extra to sell.
It is the practice of growing large quantities of several types of crops to sell at a profit.
It is a method of organic farming that relies on crop rotation.

7)Read the excerpt from Governor William Miller’s 1816 speech on emigration.

Let her rivers be made navigable, and if practicable her outlets to the ocean opened, and ere long, we should have her agriculture improving, her commercial towns rising to importance, the value of her land increasing, and her people, instead of seeking new countries, contented to remain at home and cultivate the soil that gave them birth.

Which challenges are addressed in this excerpt from Governor Miller’s speech? Check all that apply.

a lack of public education
poor farming conditions
a lack of deepwater ports
mass migration out of the state
low birthrates

8)How did the Buncombe Turnpike change travel in North Carolina? Check all that apply.

It connected the eastern and western parts of North Carolina.
It increased traffic in western North Carolina through Asheville.
It provided easier transport through North Carolina’s mountains.
It connected North Carolina to South Carolina and Tennessee.
It provided a better route for farmers to bring crops and livestock to market.

Which statement about population in the mid-19th century does this chart support?

Most North Carolinians moved to Georgia.
Many people moved to North Carolina from other states.
Many people left North Carolina for other states.
North Carolina experienced a population boom.

10) Which statement best describes the relationship between infrastructure and trade in North Carolina in the early 1800s?

Transporting goods between mountains and coastal areas was nearly impossible.
Outdated farming methods resulted in poor yields and barren soil.
Cities developed quickly as centers for shipping and finance.
Populations in towns grew rapidly as more businesses opened.

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