10.09.2019 • 
Social Studies

A45-year-old male with a history of diabetes comes to the emergency department with acute
onset of low back pain. the pain started suddenly when he was sliding into home plate during a
softball game earlier today. the pain is severe and radiates into his right lower extremity. he
describes an electric type pain shooting into his right foot. what are some findings you would
expect to see when examining him?
a) edematous, boggy tissue with palpation, and full active range of motion of the lumbar
spine. decreased sensation on the dorsum of the foot.
b) severe, sharp pain with palpation of lumbar tissues, guarded range of motion of the lumbar spine, and increased deep tendon reflexes of the right lower extremity.
c) warm tissue texture changes, hypertonic muscles, and decreased range of motion of the lumbar spine.
d) little to no edema or erythema, cool dry skin to palpation, ropy and fibrotic muscles, and
decreased range of motion of the lumbar spine.
e) dull pain with palpation. positive straight leg raising test

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