27.06.2019 • 
Social Studies

Agirlfriend testified on behalf of her boyfriend when he was prosecuted for first-degree murder of his ex-wife. when questioned by the defense, the girlfriend testified that the ex-wife had provoked her boyfriend by telling him she had cheated on him throughout their marriage. in a momentary heat of passion, the boyfriend strangled the ex-wife. on cross-examination, the prosecution asked if the girlfriend had ever underreported her annual income on her tax forms. when the girlfriend denied doing so, the prosecution sought to introduce evidence of the girlfriend’s annual income and tax forms from the previous three years, all of which showed that the girlfriend underreported her earnings for tax purposes. is this evidence admissible? no, because a specific instance of conduct is not admissible to attack or support the girlfriend’s character for, because the fact that the girlfriend may have underreported her annual income on her tax forms cannot be proven through extrinsic evidence.yes, because the fact that the girlfriend may have underreported her annual income on her tax forms is probative of her untruthfulness.yes, because the probative value of the evidence is not substantially outweighed by the unfair prejudice that it may cause.

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