10.02.2021 • 
Social Studies

Answ Discussion Questions
1. Booth compares himself to some famous and controversial figures such as
Brutus and Tell. Do you believe that Booth thought of himself as a hero? Do you
believe he may have had delusions of grandeur - false visions of himself as an
important person in history?
2. Do you see Booth's writing change as he comes closer to death? Why do you
think he chose to write this diary entry - what do you think he wanted to
portray to the people reading his diary, especially after death?
3. Do you believe that Booth was acting for himself or for his country? Cite
evidence from the text, your experience, and other literature, art, and history in
your answer.
4. Booth thinks that his actions were justified and for the good of the country. Do
you believe that bad actions can have positive consequences? Cite evidence
from the text, your personal experience, and other literature, art, and history in
your answer.

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