28.11.2021 • 
Social Studies

Fill in the Blanks The Hebrews were the ancestors of the Jewish people. The Hebrews were
monethe_s_s who believed in one God. They trace their identity to A bre hq_m, who led his
followers through the desert to settle on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea about
thousand years ago. Many years after Abrah m died, his followers traveled to
to escape a great hunger known as a f_m_ne. According to Hebrew scripture,
God sent ten deadly calamities to force the Egyptian pharaoh to r_la_e his Hebrew slaves. Once the
H_b_e_s escaped, God revealed Ten c_m_a_d _e___ts to M s, the leader of the Hebrews.
The Ten Commandments are the m_d1 for Jewi sh and c_r_s_i_n moral thought.
The Hebrews prospered under $91_m_n and built a great city called J. r_slm, but the
city was destroyed in 586bce by the Babylon Lans of MC_s Op Otem_i_a. The Jews returned to
Jerusalem under the protection of a Persian leader named Cyrus, but a later conqueror, the
R_m_ns, forced the Jews into an e
that lasted almost two thousand years.
The Jews lived as m_n_r_tes in many lands, often facing organized massacres known as
P_8_o_s. In the last century, as many a six million Jews were killed in what we now call the
H_L_c_u_t. In 1948, the United Nations created the modern nation of Isr_gel as a
hm 1nd for Jews.

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