15.10.2020 • 
Social Studies

I really need Newsela answers for Shakespeare's works have been translated and performed internationally since the 1600s Read the following paragraph from the section "Different Cultures And Eras."

Translations of Shakespeare's "The Complete Works" began to emerge in the 1700s. Eventually, countries considered it an honor for a Shakespeare play to be translated into their language. Portugal's King Luis I published his translation of "Hamlet" in 1877. He was praised for "giving to the Portuguese Nation their first translation of Shakespeare."

Which of the following is an accurate explanation of what this paragraph means?

a. Translating a Shakespeare play grew to be an important moment for a country.

b.It was difficult for people to translate Shakespeare's plays into different languages.

c. Portugal's Luis I was the first king to work on translating a Shakespeare play.

d. Many people living in Portugal were working on translating Shakespeare's plays.

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