24.04.2020 • 
Social Studies

What classical language is often associated with science, especially medicine and biology?
A) English
B) Spanish
C) Greek
D) Latin
Which of these LEAST LIKELY contributed to the end of the Roman Empire?
A) environmental changes decreased the production of food
B) plagues and illnesses weakened the population
C) constant war with the Persians
D) invasion by barbarian peoples
Roman audiences enjoyed public entertainment
A) in temples and at the Forum.
B) in the Forum on Capitoline Hill.
C) on the Palatine and Pont du Gard.
D) in the Colosseum or at Circus Maximus.

Which of these BEST describes how the Roman Empire's location led to its economic success?
A) It was the center of the Columbian Exchange.
B) It was unnecessary to be nomadic so they could build larger cities.
C) The fur and silk trade made the Romans wealthier than other empires.
D) There were many outlets to water, giving them greater access to trade.
In terms of geography, Rome and Athens share what similarity in their origins?
A) harbor cities
B) hilltop cities
C) destroyed by volcanic activity
D) centered on major trade routes

The Twelve Tables of Roman law were published in 450 BCE. Where on the timeline should this event be placed?
A) after 350 CE
B) before 1185 BCE
C) between 475 BCE and 30 CE
D) between 1185 BCE and 559 BCE
Who were the citizens of Rome that were aristocrats and controlled the Senate?
A) Patricians
B) Plebeians
C) Republicans
D) Slaves
Who were the main opponents in the Punic Wars?
A) Greece and Rome
B) Spain and France
C) Rome and Carthage
D) Carthage and Spain
The legend of Romulus and Remus is told to explain what event?
A) the story of how Rome was founded
B) the story of Rome's early conquests
C) the story of how Rome's religion began
D) the story of how the Roman Senate began
Which three choices are positive effects of the Pax Romana ("the time of Roman peace"), which lasted from around 27 BC until AD 180?
A) Slavery was abolished, the Colosseum was built, and the empire expanded.
B) Christianity was banned, the society became classless, and the Colosseum was built.
C) The Colosseum was built, the empire expanded, and more public works were constructed.
D) The Emperors waged wars with surrounding territories, more public works were constructed and the fewer farmers were needed.

Which of these would be the BEST title for this map?
A) The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire
B) Plagues Ravage the Mediterranean Region
C) The Fall of the Roman Republic
D) Rome's Immigrant Origins
When discussing the Roman Republic, which statement BEST defines the term "plebeian"?
A) a ruler who takes more power than allowed by law
B) a ruler who is uniquely qualified to lead his people
C) a citizen of elite status with more political rights than non-elites
D) a citizen of non-elite status with fewer political rights than elites
Which of these BEST describes patricians in the Roman Empire?
A) They were people banned from holding office.
B) They were powerful, "aristocratic" families.
C) They were the "middle class" of society.
D) They were the soldiers in the military.
What kingdom did Cleopatra control that later became a Roman territory after her death?
A) Carthage
B) Egypt
C) Gaul
D) Greece
Which governmental offices could be found within the Roman republic?
A) Areopagus
B) Ephors
C) Kings
D) Tribunes
The Punic Wars (264- 146BCE) were fought between what two powers?
A) Roman Republic & Greek Empire
B) Roman Empire & Egyptian Empire
C) Roman Empire & Persian Empire
D) Roman Republic & Carthaginian Empire
The Roman engineering achievement that made large public structures possible was
A) the development of concrete.
B) the development of organized labor.
C) the development of measuring devices.
D) the development of advanced math concepts.
Which is the BEST description of plebeians in Ancient Rome?
A) a group of judges in the Roman Empire
B) a group of three leaders of the Roman Republic
C) a large but politically limited group of people
D) a powerful group of nobles who were small in number
Which ruler of the Roman Empire converted to Christianity in the 4th century CE?
A) Basil II
B) Justinian
C) Constantine
D) Theodosius I
Which of these BEST describes plebeians in the Roman Empire?
A) They were people banned from holding office.
B) They were powerful, "aristocratic" families.
C) They were the "middle class" of society.
D) They were the soldiers in the military.

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