23.01.2020 • 
Social Studies

Ihad to write an argumentative essay for social studies and i'd like to get some feedback before i submit it. i will give brainliest to the best answerer!

the industrial revolution changed the lives of everyone involved. modern technologies came into play and life changed forever. some changes were good. industries exploded, creating huge businesses, and allowing those who worked hard enough to become extremely wealthy. but not all the changes were positive. the family unit was torn apart, children worked in dangerous factories instead of going to school, and the delta between the rich and the poor grew.

the industrial revolution paved the way for many of the technologies we have today. instead of rickety and unreliable automobiles, we now have cars that can go at supersonic speeds. men have set foot on the moon, and life has never been more convenient. any question you have could be answered at once to smartphones. travel is safer and faster, necessities and wants are cheaper and easier to obtain. but to get where we are now, sacrifices had to be made.

at the beginning of the 20th century, the united states was exploding with growth. mass production was new and the speed with  which products were made grew exponentially. experienced workers were no longer needed, and so lost their jobs. uneducated workers could be hired for cheaper and worked for longer. this meant that while the business owners grew richer, their employees grew poorer. in desperation, most families sent their children to work. it was common for kids to start full-time work at age 12. and because their educations were sacrificed, these children stayed poor. forever.

the detriments of the industrial revolution outweighed the positive impacts it had. however, the industrial revolution was inevitable. modern technologies would've been created no matter what. humans are greedy, and the creation of monopolies and sacrifice of safe working conditions would have happened anyways. the young united states didn't have the benefit of hindsight like we do now, and they didn't have the same perspective on how workers- and humans- should be treated that we do now. we can only hope that we will learn from past mistakes and prevent them from happening again in the future.

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