16.10.2020 • 
Social Studies

IM SO CONFUSED AND I HAVE A LOT TO DO PLEASE ITS DUE TODAY PLZ Indigenous Cultures of North America Research Project Template

Identify the Native American culture group you are researching for your project:

Website links and/or titles and authors of resources used:




Use the spaces below to record at least three bulleted notes.
Make a star next to the idea that you think best shows the complexity of the society.
Make any notes that represent a characteristic that is a necessity for a society to be considered complex in RED. As part of a case study, these can then be used during the next unit to evaluate colonial societies.

Background (history and settlement) of the culture group in North America:



Indigenous Cultures of North America
Research Project Template (continued)

Social Structure (daily life):


Culture (art, music, and stories):

The last questions 4,5,6,7 and 8 and 9

4. How would you describe the word complex in your own words?

5. What makes a culture or society complex?

6. What would a complex society be like?

7.How would a simple society be different?

8. What are some characteristics that a society might have to be considered complex?

9. How does the society maintain order and provide for their needs and wants?

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