19.02.2020 • 
Social Studies

Imagine you are interviewing teenagers in order to understand how they develop their sense of self. Which of the following statements can be classified as a statement of self that could be attributed to the concept of the looking-glass concept?

Riding the bus is lame. It just takes so long when I could be doing other things.
I'm no good at geometry. Whenever I answer questions wrong in class, the teacher looks at me like I'm stupid and other students laugh at me.
I love playing chess. I'm not so great, but all my friends are in the chess club.
I really don't like swimming. The chlorine makes my feet peel and being in the pool with all those people is just gross.
I'm no good at geometry. Whenever I answer questions wrong in class, the teacher looks at me like I'm stupid and other students laugh at me.

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