In the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.E., the 1.decided that people were mostly 2.. During the Renaissance, scientists began to use ___3.___ to confirm their theories. ___4. ___ disagreed with the concept of ___5___. Instead, he believed that there was a link between the mind and the body. Wilhelm Wundt developed a method of self-observation known as ___6___. William James was a ___7.___ who proposed that all activities of the mind have the basic purpose of allowing us to survive as a species. Sir Francis Galton studied the influence of ___8. ___ on human abilities and behaviors. A group of German psychologists proposed that perception is a whole pattern (picture) known as ___9.___. Sigmund Freud was primarily interested in the ___10.___ mind. Ivan Pavlov was a pioneer in ___11.___ psychology. ___12.___ described human nature as evolving and self-directed. Psychologists who focus on how information is processed, stored, and recalled are known as ___13.___. PET scans and CT scans are modern tools used by ___14.___. Sociocultural psychology studies the influence of ___15.___ and cultural similarities and differences on behavior.

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