06.04.2020 • 
Social Studies

In Worchester versus Georgia 1832 the state of Georgia wanted to remove Cherokees from within its borders and Bien to annex Cherokee land how did the court rule a only the federal government have the authority to deal with the Cherokees and the Georgia laws dealing with them were unconstitutional be the Georgia laws in the keys for upheld as constitutional see the federal government and the state of Georgia both had authority to deal with Cherokees do you the state of Georgia did not have the authority to deal with Cherokees the true authority belong to the state of Alabama
In Worcester versus Georgia 1832 and wanted to remove Cherokees from within its borders and began to annex Cherokee land how did the court roll E only the federal government had the authority to deal with the Cherokees and the Georgia laws dealing with them more unconstitutional be the Georgia laws in the case were upheld as constitutional see the federal government in the state of Georgia both had authority to deal with Cherokees do you say to Georgia did not have the authority to deal with Cherokees the true authority belong to the state of Alabama.

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