16.03.2020 • 
Social Studies

Ms. Franklin conducted a survey with her class to identify stimuli that might serve as reinforcers. All of the students in her class indicated that extra recess time and pencils would be some things they would like to earn. She then collected baseline data on the number of math problems each student correctly completes during seatwork time. Following this, she told her students they can have 5 minutes of extra recess if they complete 5 more math problems during seatwork time today than they did yesterday. Each day, she increased the number of math problems the students needed to complete to earn extra recess. She kept a graph of the results, which showed a steady increase in the number of problems completed correctly. What can be said about what she has done?
a) She has demonstrated that extra recess functions as a reinforcer for work completion.
b) She has demonstrated that pencils have no effect on work completion
c) She has demonstrated that pencils are a reinforcer for work completion.
d) She has demonstrated that extra recess functions as an NCR for work completion.
e) She has not demonstrated anything

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