15.11.2019 • 
Social Studies

Note: the author of this passage considers civilization, or "civilized life," to be a direct result of agriculture.

"civilized life is secure life. at the most basic level this means security from the sudden destruction that village communities might suffer. civilized life gives the feeling of permanence. it offers regularity, stability, order, even routine. plans can be made. expectations can be realized. people can be expected to act predictably, according to the rules.
the first cities were able to attain stability with walls that shielded the inhabitants from nomads and armies, with the first codes of law that defined human relationships, with police and officials that enforced the laws, and with institutions that functioned beyond the lives of their particular members. city life offered considerably more permanence and security than village life".

which of the following periods would correspond least to the author's description?
(a) paleolithic period
(b) bronze age
(c) iron age

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