Part 1 Step One:Your search for articles and advertisements will revolve around a theme of your choosing. Select one of the following topics to be the focus your research:technologysports Two:You will search for articles online to help you answer these questions.Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective?Are advertisements aimed at teenagers ethical?Step Three:As you locate information:record your researched articlesrecord your researched advertisementsWrite 2-3 sentences in each. The sentences must be complex sentences. Do not try to break it down into two sentences, because I need detail.Part 2Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer.Part 3You will draft the outline for your essay about the Effectiveness of Advertising and add it to your Research Graphic Organizer.Part 4 Add a formal body paragraph with evidence, including parenthetical citations. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer. This paragraph must be formal and detail in lengthwise.Part 5You will write the conclusion for your essay about the Effectiveness of Advertising and add it to your Research Graphic Organizer.

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