30.12.2019 • 
Social Studies

Rhetorical strategies and fallacies worksheetphl/320 version 7university of phoenix materialrhetorical strategies and fallacies worksheetthe following are some common rhetorical strategies: innuendo: a leading suggestionstereotype: generalized statements relating to a group of peopleloaded questions: questions based on unjustified assumptionshyperbole: an extreme exaggerationidentify the rhetorical strategy in each of the following statements: bobby may be a good bookkeeper, but you’ll notice he has a ton of bills. the superintendent is so committed to increasing the scores in public schools, why are so many students failing and teachers resigning? college students will graduate. simply won’t go into that department store; it’s full of snobbish people who disguise their happiness with designer handbags and shoes. the following are some common rhetorical fallacies: slippery slope: if a happens, then b–z will follow. therefore, to prevent b–z from happening, do not allow a to occur.hasty generalization: rushing to form a conclusion based on assumptions; not based on clear evidencepost hoc ergo propter hoc: if a occurs after b, then b caused a.either/or: looking at a situation from only two sides or oversimplifying the situationad hominem: attacking the person rather than attacking the argumentred herring or smoke screen: introducing an unrelated topic as a diversionary tacticidentify the rhetorical fallacy in each of the following statements.sally had a hamburger for dinner and does not feel well. it was the hamburger that made her not feel well. she is the top-performing cheerleader and captain of the team, we know she, like all cheerleaders, was selected for the squad because of her good looks. received a bonus within my first six weeks on the job, so i know i am going to receive a bonus often. can start exercising or die at a young age. knows diamond mining is a dangerous job; however, how else can he earn his paycheck to care for his family? you like to clean every day, it could lead to you becoming ocd, so you probably should not clean every day. ⩠2018 by university of phoenix. all rights reserved.

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