10.02.2022 • 
Social Studies

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of our 9 Supreme Court Justices. Recently, a documentary was released about her life, academic career, work as an attorney, and influence on the Supreme Court. For up to 2% extra credit on your final grade, watch the ENTIRE documentary and answer the following questions in an essay of no less than 400 words. In your essay, demonstrate that you actually viewed the entire documentary. Do not be vague. Tell me three specific components that you found particularly interesting. What is RBG's favorite hobby? One she participated in the documentary. It’s impossible to sum up a person’s life in one film. Besides watching the documentary, how could you find out more about Ginsburg’s life? What did you take away from this documentary? Perhaps a better understanding of the Supreme Court nomination process? Perhaps another look at the confirmation process (such as her experience testifying to the Senate during her hearing). Perhaps some of the evolution of the growth of gender equality and the laws impacted in enhancing that equality in relatively recent history? You do not need to choose all or any of these suggestions in your takeaway, this section is your narrative. Tell me what YOU thought! To watch the documentary you have a few options: There is a copy of the DVD you can check out in the OCCC library for free. You can stream it through HULU if you have a subscription. I have been told that if you have DishNetwork you can stream it through your subscription "On Demand."

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