16.10.2020 • 
Social Studies

Suppose the country of Burondo is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its economy is heavily reliant on income from the export of oil. There are only two oil-extracting companies in Burondo. Both are owned by the government. A large part of the earnings from oil exports goes toward financing the president's lifestyle and entourage. Burondo has not had a single democratic election ever since it gained independence 50 years ago. Although Burondo is said to have abundant oil resources, only a small proportion is extracted every year because the extraction process is so inefficient. Transporting goods in and out of the country is costly, as Burondo is surrounded by lofty mountain ranges. School enrollment in this country is very low and as a result, most of the adult population is illiterate. Life expectancy is also quite low. Agriculture is collectivized in Burondo and so food shortages are common in the country. Using the information given, distinguish betw

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