12.04.2021 • 
Social Studies

The Wounded Medical attention provided to wounded soldiers on both sides during the American Civil War was very poor. The need for cleanliness was underestimated and essentially ignored. Doctors would perform surgery and rounds in dirty clothes. Disease was spread easily and quickly. Statistics revealed 67,000 Union deaths from combat and 43,000 Union deaths as a result of wounds, and 224,000 Union deaths due to disease. Reliable death figures remain vague for Confederate soldiers. Army officers viewed attention to the wounded unmilitary. As a result, many wounded soldiers were neglected. History reveals that many ordinary individuals, from both sides, attempted heroic efforts to help the wounded and sick. Perhaps, Clara Barton is best known for her concern and efforts for injured soldiers.

By reading this passage, was it dangerous to be wounded during the Civil War? Why or why not?

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