This is not a question. its a note tos moderators.
dear moderators,
hi, my name is immaback2x.
first of all, i would love to you for making sure is for schoolwork, and not for anything else.
second, i just want to ask you something.
whenever someone reports a question, a really good question, a question that fits into your academic rules, why do you delete it? i'm just asking, you don't need to delete every question thats reported. look over the question first, and if its not an academic question, then delete it.
also, whenever people answer a question, and some guy reports it, but the answer is a good answer, and really good answer, look over the answer first before deleting it.
the reason people get mad at you mods is because of those simple things. sure, there are some people, (including myself) who make question that are not academic, and then you delete them, but that was our fault we made those questions.
i'm writing this for the sake of others who really use for school. and kinda for my sake too cause i also use this for school.

i also want to you for what you've done for
have a wonderful day!

- immaback2x

(imma bet ur gonna delete this cause its not academic, but read over it first)

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