15.07.2019 • 
Social Studies

Which of the following illustrates the best approach to managing apprehension? a. jill is about to go on stage to give a speech. she is pacing back and forth, her heart is pounding, and she is picturing herself at home soaking in a hot bath. b. ethan is about to give an important presentation to his boss. his hands are sweaty and his legs feel wobbly. he takes several deep breaths and imagines himself explaining clearly to his boss all his main ideas. c. allen is about to recite a poem to a girl he likes. he is shaking and feels as though he might be sick. he imagines the look on the girl’s face when he vomits all over her shoes. d. katelyn is about to present her book report to the class. she is very nervous and can’t seem to think straight, so she holds her breath and studies her report carefully, trying to memorize the first few lines.

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