29.06.2019 • 
Social Studies

Why do americans vote so little? a. typically, given the enormous number of immigrants the united states plays host to, most u.s. nonvoters are poorly versed in the tradition of voting, and are therefore are largely unengaged by most elections. b. typically, more than half of u.s. nonvoters say they that while they are interested in and satisfied with candidates, they still feel that their vote makes no difference or that none of the candidates are really good, and the two large parties may not offer an interesting or clear-cut choice. c. typically, most u.s. nonvoters say they are uninterested in or dissatisfied with candidates, feeling their vote makes no difference or that none of the candidates are really good, and the two large parties may not offer an interesting or clear-cut choice. d.typically, most u.s. voters find it impossible to convince others to vote, despite the fact that nonvoters are most likely to vote if convinced by those close to them.

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