28.06.2023 • 
Society and Politics

What Would Brezhnev Do If He Were Alive Today?


If Leonid Brezhnev were alive today, what would he do? This is a question that many Russians have asked themselves over the years. Brezhnev was one of the most important figures in the Soviet Union, and his leadership had a significant impact on both Russia and the world as a whole. In this article, we will explore what Brezhnev might do if he were still alive today.

Who Was Brezhnev?

Leonid Brezhnev was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1964 until his death in 1982. During his time in power, Brezhnev oversaw the advancement of the Soviet Union's nuclear program and the expansion of its military forces. He also pursued a policy of detente with the United States, which led to the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) in 1972.

Brezhnev's Legacy

Brezhnev's legacy in Russia is mixed. On the one hand, he is remembered for his efforts to modernize the country and for his policies of detente with the West. On the other hand, his tenure was marked by a significant decline in Soviet economic growth, increased corruption, and a crackdown on dissidents.

Brezhnev's Economic Policies

Brezhnev's economic policies were marked by stagnation and inefficiency. His focus on heavy industry led to a neglect of consumer goods, resulting in shortages and reduced living standards. In addition, the centralized Soviet economy was rife with corruption and mismanagement, which further eroded economic growth.

Brezhnev and Dissent

Brezhnev's tenure was also marked by a widespread crackdown on dissent. Dissenters were arrested, imprisoned, and forced into psychiatric hospitals. Intellectuals such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were expelled from the country, and many others fled into exile.

What Would Brezhnev Do Today?

If Brezhnev were still alive today, he would likely continue to pursue policies that he believed were in the best interests of Russia. Given his focus on heavy industry and economic growth, he might prioritize investment in infrastructure and energy production. Additionally, given his history of pursuing detente with the West, he might seek to build closer ties with other nations through diplomatic efforts.

Brezhnev's Views on Nationalism

Brezhnev was known for his opposition to nationalism, which he believed was a threat to the unity of the Soviet Union. If he were alive today, he would likely be opposed to the rise of nationalism and nationalism movements in Russia.

Brezhnev's Legacy in Modern Russia

Despite his mixed legacy, Brezhnev remains an important figure in Russian history. His tenure marked a time of significant change and challenge in the country, and his policies had a lasting impact on the Soviet Union and the world as a whole.


While we can only speculate on what Brezhnev would do if he were still alive today, his legacy in Russia and the world as a whole is undeniable. His focus on heavy industry, pursuit of detente with the West, and crackdown on dissent continue to shape Russian politics and society. As the country continues to face new challenges, it will be important to look back at Brezhnev's legacy and consider what lessons can be learned from his time in power.
  1. What was Brezhnev's legacy in Russia?
  2. What were Brezhnev's economic policies?
  3. What was Brezhnev's view on nationalism?
  4. What policies might Brezhnev pursue if he were alive today?
  5. How did Brezhnev handle dissent in the Soviet Union?

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