20.06.2023 • 
Style and Beauty

Ultimate Guide on How to Care for Suede Shoes


Suede shoes have been in fashion for a long time and have become a staple in everyone's wardrobe. They are beautiful and comfortable, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit. However, one thing that can be difficult is knowing how to care for them. Suede is a delicate material that requires proper maintenance. If not taken care of, it can lose its texture and color, which can be a disaster. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to take proper care of your suede shoes.

What is Suede?

Suede is a type of leather that has a napped finish. It is made from the underside of animal skin. The texture of suede feels like velvet, soft and smooth to the touch. Suede is lighter, thinner, and more pliable than other types of leather. These characteristics make it a suitable material for shoes and clothing.

What Makes Suede Unique?

Suede is unique because of its texture, which adds to its beauty. It is also flexible and adapts to the shape of the foot, providing comfort. Suede shoes are also versatile and can be worn in different weather conditions, making them an excellent investment.

How to Protect Suede Shoes?

The best way to protect suede shoes is to use a water and stain repellent spray. This spray creates a protective barrier that prevents water and dirt from penetrating the suede. Before applying the spray, ensure the shoes are clean and dry to get the best protection.

How to Clean Suede Shoes?

Cleaning suede shoes can be intimidating but it becomes less daunting when you understand the proper steps. A soft-bristled brush or a suede eraser can be used to remove dirt and stains from suede shoes. Always brush in the direction of the nap, as brushing against the nap can damage the texture of the suede. If there are still stains, a gentle brush dipped in white vinegar can be applied lightly, avoiding excess moisture.

How to Restore the Color of Suede Shoes?

Suede shoes can change color due to normal wear and tear or sun exposure. A suede dye that matches the color of the shoe can be used to restore the original color. Make sure to apply the dye with a suede brush and follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is advisable to test the dye on a small patch of the shoe before applying it on the entire shoe.

How to Prevent Suede Shoes from Fading?

Suede shoes can fade when exposed to direct sunlight. To prevent fading, store suede shoes in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight. It is also essential to keep suede shoes away from sources of heat, such as radiators or fireplaces.


Taking care of suede shoes requires some effort, but it's worth it. Suede shoes are beautiful, comfortable, and versatile. By following the guidelines in this article, you can keep your suede shoes in good condition for many years to come.


  1. Is suede waterproof?
  2. No, suede is not waterproof and can get damaged when it gets wet.

  3. Can you clean suede shoes with water?
  4. No, never use water to clean suede. Use a soft-bristled brush or a suede eraser to remove dirt and stains.

  5. Can you use a regular leather cleaner for suede shoes?
  6. No, regular leather cleaners should never be used for suede shoes as they can damage the texture of suede.

  7. Can suede shoes be polished?
  8. No, suede shoes cannot be polished. No leather polish is designed for use on suede as it will damage the texture of the suede.

  9. What is the best way to store suede shoes?
  10. The best way to store suede shoes is in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and sources of heat.

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