"i'll tell you what i'll do. your remarks, ma'am, has some weight in them. the dog's worked hard, and maybe he's earned a soft berth an' has got a right to choose. anyway, we'll leave it up to him. whatever he says, goes. you people stay right here settin' down. i'll say good-by and walk off casual-like. if he wants to stay, he can stay. if he wants to come with me, let 'm come. i won't call 'm to come an' don't you call 'm to come back." how is the conflict in this passage resolved? a) the dog is given a choice and chooses skif miller. b) the dog is given a choice and chooses the klondiker. c) the dog will be allowed the choice of leaving or staying. d) madge convinces skiff to allow the klondiker to leave with the dog.

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