18.08.2019 • 

1. on a separate piece of paper page, design a table to record the data you would collect from the case study
below. include room for individual results and averages from the three set ups. staple or paste it into your
workbook once you have finished. you can use the table above as a guide to you.
image courtesy of vernier
case study:
carbon dioxide levels in a respiration chamber
a datalogger was used to monitor the
concentrations of carbon dioxide (co2) in
respiration chambers containing five green
leaves from one plant species. the entire
study was performed in conditions of full light
and involved three identical set-ups. the co,
concentrations were measured every minute,
over a period of ten minutes, using a co2
sensor. a mean co, concentration (for the three
set-ups) was calculated. the study was carried
out two more times, two days apart.
o co, ons bar
wat inte

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