25.06.2019 • 

58 points matching: from lessons on mitosis and meiosis 1) period when cell is not engaged in division - 2) forms the pole of the spindle apparatus - 3) thread-like substance in the nucleus which carries genetic info - 4) the membrane the surrounds the nucleus of a cell- 5) method of cytokinesis in animals - 6) period of mitosis in which chromosomes move to opposite poles of cell - 7) a system of fibers that go from one end of the cell to the other - 8) having chromosomes that occur singly, not in matched pairs - 9) matched units of dna containing genetic information - 10)produces daughter cells with fewer chromosomes than the parent cell - choose from: spindle apparatus, homologous chromosomes, nuclear envelope, interphase, centriole, meiosis, chromatin, anaphase, furrowing, haploid

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