16.04.2020 • 

A potential Olympic athletic sprinter suffered a serious injury. As a result of this injury, they spent time immobilized in a hospital, resulting in a loss of muscle mass. The individual has now recovered from the injury and is planning on competing in the now rescheduled summer Olympics of 2021. However, due to the significant amount of muscle loss, this athlete has decided to switch from being a short distance runner (sprinter) to a long-distance runner and compete in the marathon. In order to so, what category of exercises does this athlete need to engage in and why? Additionally, in engaging in this category of exercises which skeletal muscle cell (fiber) type are they enhancing? Furthermore, what are four characteristics of this muscle cell (fiber) type? Explain what each characteristic means for the cell and how each characteristic would benefit the athlete in their new athletic endeavor. For additional points (extra credit) choose another one or two characteristics of this muscle cell type and explain what each characteristic means for the cell and how each characteristic would benefit the athlete in their new athletic endeavor (extra credit points will vary if you choose one or two characteristics).

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