29.05.2020 • 

Can you please summarize this to 7 sentences?(climate change)

-The sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere and warms the surface. The heat radiates back into space.
-Some of the heat is absorbed by the greenhouse gas and re-emitted in all directions, warming the Earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere
-Rising ocean temperatures cause corals to “bleach”. When the temperatures are too hot for too long, the corals will cook to death.
-In the span of two months, the coral had died from the heat, the heat had killed half of the corals on the Great Barrier Reef in the span of two years.
-Since the heat affects the coral so quickly, the coral won’t be able to keep up and adapt.
-Humans are able to use/create new technology to help adapt to climate change, though wildlife doesn’t have the same ability to do so. Instead of technology, they go through evolutionary adaptation, but it can take up to 1,000-100,000 years, which means sometimes evolution can’t keep up.
-Sometimes, when put under strong selective conditions/rapidly changing climates, it can cause adaptive evolution to happen more quickly.
-Many plants, animals, and insects relocate themselves, and some undergo changes to their body size or breeding time. Of course, there is a limit to how much an organism can change/adapt
-Scientist are seeking examples of evolutionary changes that are coed in species DNA that’s heritable, long-lasting, and may provide a key to their future
-Since the 1980s, climate change has led to significantly less snowfall, which has caused species to need to adapt to the new environment.
-Evolution may not be an answer in our present and near future, species may need to rely on humans
-Across the planet, we are making decisions that will help the entire ecosystem to adapt.
-The carbon cycle is the engine of life on Earth.
-When CO2 is in the air it traps a portion of the sun’s heat, which then creates a blanket of heat. This blanket is able to help the earth from freezing like mars.
-Once humans started to dig up old carbon and use them to power factories, cars, power plants, etc, it started to cause the heat blanket to become both thicker and hotter as more of the sun’s heat was trapped

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