18.06.2020 • 

Cranial - toward the head Caudal - toward the rear Dorsal - toward the spinal cord (back) Ventral - toward the body Medial - toward the middle Distal - away from External features: - pair of openings (nostrils) on each side of the head. Water is taken into the smaller of the two openings and expelled through the larger opening. These are small openings, which allow water to pass through the gills even when the shark’s mouth is closed (located caudal from the eyes). - adaptation for eating, but also used for the intake of water that passes through the gills. - 5 vertical slits which allow water to exit after passing over the gills (located caudally from the mouth). - a pale line that extends from the pectoral fin past the pelvic fin. The line is actually a group of small pores which open into the underlying sensory organ that detects water movement. - found between the pelvic fins, this opening is part of the digestive system and urogenital system. - found only on male sharks. Finger-like extensions on the edge of each pelvic fin. - Look at the figure and the location and name of each fin. - pointed snout at the cranial end of the head. - cranial to each dorsal fin. A spine that is used defensively by the shark.

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