31.03.2021 • 

Giving 50 pts answer correctly for the points Vertebrates share many physical characteristics. All vertebrates Question 1 options:

have an internal skeleton that includes a backbone or spinal column.

have an internal skeleton but not a backbone or spinal column.

have neither an exoskeleton nor an internal skeleton.

have a thick exoskeleton but not an internal skeleton

Question 2 (1 point)
Which group of characteristics describes the organism in the illustration below?

Question 2 options:

multicellular, endothermic, invertebrate

single-celled, ectothermic, invertebrate

multicellular, endothermic, vertebrate

multicellular, ectothermic, vertebrate

Question 3 (1 point)
Dora's pet is having babies. The babies are born live and have fur. They drink milk that their
mother produces. What kind of vertebrate is Dora's pet?

Question 3 options:

a mammal

a bird

a reptile

an amphibian

Question 4 (1 point)
Kyle finds an invertebrate outside in the dirt. The invertebrate has a long, tube-like body that is divided into many different parts. He researches the organism and finds out that it has a nervous system, blood vessels, and a long digestive tube that runs down the length of its body. It can also absorb dissolved oxygen through its skin.

The organism that Kyle found is most likely a(n) .

Question 4 options:



segmented worm


Question 5 (1 point)
Which of the following is NOT true of the phylum Amphibia?

Question 5 options:

Amphibians must lay their eggs in an aquatic environment.

Amphibians have four limbs.

Amphibians have moist skin that is not completely water tight.

Amphibians have scales.

Question 6 (1 point)
Snails are invertebrates that have a soft body that they can pull into a hard outer shell. They also have a muscular foot that allows them to move. Snails inhabit land as well as the ocean. Some snails breathe using lungs, whereas others breathe with gills.

Snails are classified as .

Question 6 options:

segmented worms




Question 7 (1 point)
Chelsea is researching an organism. Her organism has jointed limbs and an exoskeleton. It also obtains air through air tubes. Chelsea’s organism is classified as a/an —

Question 7 options:





Question 8 (1 point)
Which of the following are characteristics of vertebrates?

Question 8 options:

blood that circulates through vessels

a nervous system connected to a brain

muscles that allow the organism to move

all of the above

Question 9 (1 point)
Sea urchins are spiny, globular animals that live on the ocean floor. How are sea urchins classified?

Question 9 options:





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