15.12.2021 • 

HELP PLZ A biologist studied a nonnative plant species growing on a riverbed. She studied the plant over three years, measuring average growth, monitoring water quality, and observing the effect of this plant on other river organisms. The biologist concluded that the plant was invasive and that it was lowering the amount of oxygen in the river. She wants river authorities to remove the plant to keep it from spreading to other rivers and lakes. River authorities want proof that the explanation is valid. Which of these is the BEST way for the biologist to get validity for this study?

make a prediction about what will happen to the river ecosystem if the plant species is allowed to remain on the riverbed

write an investigation that includes a hypothesis supported by the conclusion

publish the study in a peer-reviewed journal, allowing others to examine the results

allow the public to compare the river ecosystem where the plant species is found to another river without the plant species

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