06.05.2020 • 

In the Chinese primrose, slate-colored flower (s) is recessive to blue flower (S), red stigma (r) is recessive to green stigma (R), and long style (l) is recessive to short style (L). All three genes involved are on the same chro- mosome. The F1 of a cross between two true-breeding strains, when testcrossed, gave the following progeny:

Number of Progeny
slate flower, green stigma, short style 27
slate flower, red stigma, short style 85
blue flower, red stigma, short style 402
slate flower, red stigma, long style 977
slate flower, green stigma, long style 427
blue flower, green stigma, long style 95
blue flower, green stigma, short style 960
blue flower, red stigma, long style 27
Total 3,000

a. What were the genotypes of the parents in the cross of the two true-breeding strains?

b. Make a map of these genes, showing their order and the distances between them.

c. Derive the coefficient of coincidence for interference between the given genes.

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