15.07.2019 • 

Plz answer any at least one quation question 15 biogeography is the study of the distribution of plants and animals in deserts. only on islands. throughout the world in south america question 16 which of the following contributed to the distribution of species? adaptation location of continents evolution none of the above question 17 which of the following is not a basic biochemical molecule used by most organisms? dna atp enzymes none of the above question 18 genetic drift is changes in allele frequencies due to mating. extinction. chance. none of the above question 19 which of the following is the hardy-weinberg equation? p2 + q2 = r2 p2 + q2 = 2pq p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 none of the above question 20 gene flow is migration of alleles into or out of the population. genetic drift. a chromosome. none of the above question 21 which of the following is a cause of bottleneck? natural disaster disease predators all of the above question 22 what do many species on islands display? genetic flow founder effect the fossil record none of the above question 23 the founder effect is a case of genetic drift in which rare alleles, or combinations of alleles, occur in higher frequency in a population the general population. included in isolated from making up none of the above question 24 which of the following is an example of directional selection? human height birth weights of humans extinction pesticide resistance question 25 which of the following is an example of stabilizing selection? human birth weight pesticide resistance extinction peppered moths coloring question 26 disruptive selection favors individuals at of variation. one extreme both extremes in the middle none of the above question 27 stabilizing selection favors the phenotype out of a range of phenotypes intermediate extreme least seen none of the above question 28 most in a population is generated by mutation genetic variation gene flow extinction none of the above question 29 the gene pool is the sum of all genetic information carried by the members of? a church the kingdom animalia. a population. all of the above question 30 a population is a group of individuals living that are capable of interbreeding and producing viable fertile offspring on opposite sides of the ocean in the same geographical area in different climates none of the above

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