22.02.2021 • 

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Bio_006_USA FY21 Question: 1-4
From about 4 bilion years ago to about 25 billion years ago, oxygen gas became more common in Earth's atmosphere Oxygen was a toxic compound to most life forms from that time period Today, oxygen is required by all
but some of the most primitive life forms. Which statement best explains how early life forms that were harmed by oxygen evolved into today's life forms that require it?
o Warming temperatures allowed the colonization of land environments, where oxygen was more plentiful
O Carbon dioxide using species all became extinct, which allowed oxygen-using life forms to flourish in shallow oceans
Over time, many species gradually adapted to a more oxygen-rich environment, allowing them to survive in shallow water and on land
The growth of seas allowed early species to survive using dissolved carbon dioxide in seawater rather than using it directly from the ait
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Bio_006_USA FY21 Question: 1-4
From about 4 bilion years ago to

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