24.09.2020 • 

The scientific method provides the framework for all scientific research, including nutrition science. Choose the statement below that lists steps of the scientific method in the correct order. a. accept, reject, or modify hypothesis, conduct experiment, observe phenomenon; generate hypothesis.
b. generate hypothesis, observe phenomenon, conduct experiment, accept, reject, or modify hypothesis.
c. accept, reject, modify hypothesis, observe phenomenon; conduct experiment, generate hypothesis.
d. observe phenomenon; generate hypothesis, conduct experiment, accept, reject, or modify hypothesis.
Althouh the scientific method should be an integral part of the nutrition research, a study can be designed in a wide varlety of ways. Each study design presents unique advantages and challenges with implementation, and also in the type of data that can be collected. Choose the item below that correctly describes a type of research study.
A. Observational studies can be used to prove cause and effect.
B. A clinical trial is an example of an epidemiological study.
C. A study that compares a aroup of people with diabetes to a similar aroup of people without diabetes is an example of a case-control study.
D. In a single-blind experiment, the researchers do not know which group receives the treatment.

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