14.03.2020 • 

Tropical leafcutter ants collect leaf cuttings which they transport to special underground chambers. There, the ants chew the leaves to create nursery beds on which the ants grow a species of fungus they use for food. When ant queens disperse to establish new colonies, they carry the fungus with them, dispersing it as well (this benefits the fungus). In the ants' new nests, the fungus is at risk of being destroyed by another fungal species that is able to grow in the habitat, using the same limited resources. On their bodies, the ants carry and provide a home for bacteria that produces antibiotics the ants use to kill the newly encountered fungus and thereby protect their food supply. In this system, the relationship between the leafcutter ants and their fungal food species is:a. mutualism. b. interspecific competition. c. parasitism. d. commensalism. e. predation.

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