01.07.2021 • 

Use the DNA template strand below to simulate transcription of an RNA strand. Type the complementary RNA strand in the box. Template strand: A A T A C G G C C
mestions x + connect. Help Save & Exit 7 Thinking Questions Use the DNA template strand below to synthesize a polypeptide. Wite your answer in the box below. Use the one-letter amino acid abbreviations in your answer see figure 77). For example, if you determine the amino acid sequence is serine-proline-lysine, type SPK as your answer. Template strand: AATACGGCC Second letter of codon UUU UAU UGU UCU UCC UUC Phenylalanine (Phe:) UC-Tyrosine (Tyr: Y UGC Cyste -Serine (Ser: S UUA UCA UAA UAG Stop Stop Leucine Lou: UGA UGG Stop Trypte UUG UCG CUU ccu CGC Leucine Proline Pro:P CAU CAC Histidine His: H СÐÐТ TA HILUTA Tiri | LHQ CUC CUA CUG -Argini CCG CGA CGG First letter of coden ACU AAU AGU AUU AUC-Isoleucinellen AUA N ) ACC AGC Sering Threoninen AL-Asparagine ( A | AAA 7. ACA AGA

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