30.03.2020 • 

Water is essential to life on Earth: its unique physical and chemical properties act to protect living systems and are necessary no to
the structure and function of cells. Many of the properties of water can be attributed to the polar nature of water molecules. What
properties of water are represented by the illustration? Explain how these properties specifically impact a living system?

A)Cohesion and surface tension. Water pours or flows in a continuous sheet
because water molecules stick together.

B)Cohesion and high surface tension. The molecules of water form an
invisible sheet on the surface of puddles, ponds, and lakes.

C)Cohesion and adhesion. These two forces result in capillarity, helping
water molecules rise up through plants via xylem vessels.

D)Adhesion and high heat of vaporization. Water sticks to surfaces and is
slow to leave because it takes so much heat energy to change liquid water
into a gas.

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