13.07.2019 • 

When bacteria are inoculated into a new sterile nutrient broth, their numbers don't begin to increase immediately. instead, there is a lag phase that may last for an hour or even several days. why don't bacterial numbers increase immediately? hints when bacteria are inoculated into a new sterile nutrient broth, their numbers don't begin to increase immediately. instead, there is a lag phase that may last for an hour or even several days. why don't bacterial numbers increase immediately? the medium contains inhibitors that prohibit rapid growth of the bacteria, and these must be inactivated before bacterial numbers will increase. the bacteria have to establish a biofilm before their numbers can increase. there are not enough nutrients for the bacteria to grow, and growth is delayed until there are some dead cells to cannibalize. the bacteria must adjust to the nutrient content in the new medium, synthesizing necessary amino acids, growth factors, and enzymes?

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