08.03.2021 • 

You will calculate the concentrations of the components required for a chromium release cytotoxicity assay. Target cells are labelled with radioactive chromium and incubated with CD8
effector cells for 6 hours. The release of the radioactivity can be measured as counts per minute
(cpm) and the amount of target cell killing calculated.

Your assay has radioactively labelled tumour cell targets and you will add your killer cells, called
effectors, to the targets.

The effector cells will be added to the target cells in increasing numbers to give effector:target
ratios of 40:1, 20:1, 10:1 and 5:1.

Part 1

a) You have radioactively labelled target cells at a concentration of 2 x 10 per ml.
You need 1 x
10 cells in each well, which will be constant, for your assay.

Volume of target cells required()ul

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