19.12.2020 • 

Hello, Hollywood! Do you dream of working in show business? Have you ever told your parents? If so, you have probably been told, “That is not a real career” -or- “You’d better pick something to fall back on.” What they usually mean is that the chances of going to Hollywood and becoming a big movie star are slim. In that way, they are right.

But making Broadway shows, producing Hollywood films, even creating online videos involve many more jobs than just the actors who play in them. So many different people in diverse career paths—from management, to accounting, to marketing—contribute their skills to create the finished products that entertain us! See, you can have a ‘real career’ and work in show business, just like the people featured below.

Watch these videos to learn more!

Senior VP of Theatre Operations

Online Media Production Accountant

Social Media Director, Marketing Agency

Now that you have learned a bit about each of these jobs and what they involve, pop back over to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook once again to do some more research on them. Find out what education is generally required to enter into each career and what the annual salary could be. Jot down some facts related to each career’s job outlook as well.

Note: You might have to use a broader search term, such as operations manager, accountant, or marketing manager, to find information on these careers.

After this initial research, your task is going to be to create a slideshow presentation to show parents who are worried about their children’s Hollywood dreams. You must provide them with information on solid career options that their children could pursue… careers that would ease parents’ minds and fulfill children’s goals.

Your slideshow must include the following:

A description of each of the three careers featured in the videos above, including what tasks the job requires and why the job is so important
A breakdown of the education requirements for each career, including subjects that might be beneficial in preparing for each career
The projected annual salary for someone in each career and the job outlook according to the Bureau of Labor
A summary of why you think this job is a good choice for someone who is interested in “show business”
Five slides, broken down in this way:
- One slide for each career, containing the content from the first three bullet points above
- One slide for the summary, containing the content from the last bullet point above
- One slide for your bibliography
Three pictures, one for each of the three careers you are presenting
You may add more slides if you choose. Remember, it might take some convincing to help parents understand, so be sure to use plenty of data from your research
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Social Security:jkjkjkjk haha

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