27.02.2020 • 

In Section 2, you learned about customers, inventory, and safety. Now, you'll apply what you learned. 1. Choose a well-known company, and describe its brand promise. Describe at least three ways that the company uses to create that brand promise. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points) 2. Choose a type of company you would like to work for or start up yourself, and then answer the questions below. a. Describe the type of company and the product it would sell. TIP: This can be the same or different from the company you described in Assignment 1R. (1-3 sentences. 1.0 points) b. Describe at least two categories you could group the company's target customers into, if the company were using channel management. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points) c. Describe at least two ways that the company might decide to treat those two categories of customers differently, and explain why it might do that. (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points) d. Would the type of channel management described in questions 2b and 2c above be likely to lead to unfair treatment of some groups

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