29.01.2021 • 

Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentences Identify the investing activities of a cash slow statement?
Tyler Enterprises has achieved remarkable growth in the past five years. Qualified accountants have prepared and analyzed the cash flow
statement to offer financial advice to help safeguard the future of the business. It includes details of the amount of cash flowing into and out of
the business. The statement begins with the amount of revenue that the sales team has brought in. It also involves the corresponding marketing
campaign costs incurred in the promotional exhibition. The profit was declared to the shareholders in the form of dividends. The production
team undertook projects that involved Installation of automatic bottling machines, New dishwashers were installed in the cafeteria as part of an
efficiency improvement project. The stakes of an old division of packing material were sold off in order to concentrate solely on present
business. Old investors were issued stocks when their convertible bonds attained maturity. Some of the old machineries in the production line
were sold off as scrap while rest was revamped.

Select the correct text in the passage.

Which sentences Identify the investing activities of a ca

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