22.11.2021 • 

Using WEKA software, answer the following questions based on the Phishing dataset provided. a) Draw a simple confusion matrix (general one, not from WEKA) of the possible data scenarios for this
Phishing dataset. (0.5 Mark)
b) Draw a table that will outline the Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-Measure, ROC Area of the following
Rules based algorithms; RIPPER (JRip), PART, and Decision Table (2 Marks)
c) Use Decision Trees algorithms (Random Forest, Random Tree) and Artificial Neural Network
(Multilayer Perceptrol) to compare with the results in part b) above. Do you have better prediction
accuracy with these in this dataset? (2 Marks)
d) What is your conclusion in these experiments pertaining to ML algorithms used? (0.5 Mark)

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