23.04.2020 • 

Janice needs to have a gastro-intestinal study. So she is given 375 mg of radiocontrast dye containg Barium-142. The half-life of Ba-142 is
10.6 minutes and its decay is followed by X-ray. After one half-life. Jag an
are of Ba-142 remains. After 31.8 minutes,
drag and drop answer here of Ba-142 remains. After drag and danserne half-lives, 11.7 mg of Ba-142 remains. After
drag and drop answer here minutes, 0.366 mg of Ba-142 remains Finally, after approximately 3.5 hours - drag and conser half-
Lives, only 0.000358 mg remains. The dye is no longer visible to the x-ray and Janice's study is over.

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