16.12.2020 • 

Jory is trying to identify a sample of an unknown mineral. His teacher tells him that it is one of the minerals listed in the table below. Mineral Hardness
(Mohs scale) Shape Density
(g/cm3) Color Luster Streak Cleavage Fracture
Graphite 1 lamellar veins to earthy masses 2.09-2.23 steel gray metallic black Yes Yes-flaky
Talc 1 flattened or tabular 2.7-2.8 white to green non-metallic white Yes-basal Yes-uneven
Gypsum 2 tabular, bladed or blocky 2.3 white to colorless to gray non-metallic white Yes Yes-uneven
Hematite 6 tabular 5.3 steel gray metallic reddish-brown No Yes-uneven
Pyrite 6 cube, octahedron and pyritohedron 5.00-5.02 golden yellow metallic greenish black No Yes-conchoidal
Quartz 7 two rhombohedrons 2.6-2.65 colorless to several other shades non-metallic white Yes-weak rhombohedral Yes-conchoidal

He measures the mineral's hardness and finds that it is a 6 on the Mohs scale. What could he do next to determine which mineral it is?
identify its luster
measure its density
test its cleavage
measure its volume

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