18.09.2019 • 

Semi-batch reactor. consider the single liquid-phase reactiona + b -> productswhich takes place in an ideal (i.e. perfectly-mixed), semi-batch reactor. the initial volume ofliquid in the reactor is v0 and the initial concentrations of a and b in this liquid are ca0 and ba0 respectively. liquid is fed continuously (assume linear feed rate) to the reactor at a volumetric flow rate v. the concentration of a and b in this feed are caf and cbf respectively.(a) derive a design equation for this system by carrying out a material balance on "a". it isrecommended that you derive your design equation in terms of ca.(b) ultimately, we would like to determine ca as a function of time. under what conditionsis the design equation that you derived sufficient to do this? assume that the rateequation (the form of –ra) is known.

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